Rabbit Advocacy Animal Matters


Carmina Gooch's letter to the Sun & Province editors.

Re: RAM Rabbits/Abandonment

Dear Editor:

The dumping of unwanted rabbits into communities is nothing new. Neither is the lack of response from politicians to deal with the matter. It’s always after the fact that action is taken. And typically it’s kill ‘em – that’ll take care of the problem. Of course it doesn’t. 

Ethical or progressive leadership? The hallmarks of a humane society? I think not.   

With little or no regard for the inherent value of these sensitive creatures, we have created the communities we have today.

And as long as people continue to abandon their unwanted pets, there will be problems. There are a variety of ways we can try to help but as Václav Havel said: A genuinely fundamental and hopeful improvement in "systems" cannot happen without a significant shift in human consciousness.

Read more: Richmond looking to ban sale of rabbits, new bylaws passed; animal dumping cruelty

Richmond full of discarded rabbits and their offspring

SPCA says "gunshot euthanasia" okay, others say it makes no sense; letters